Thursday, October 15, 2009


Let’s be honest with each other. A simple life, free from debt and unnecessary material goods is not for everyone. It is even more difficult to let go of the relationships, idealogies and routines that have colored your life’s journey. We are conditioned to live our lives a certain way and subject ourselves to criticism if we veer from that path.

However, there is a subtle movement that is taking place in our culture. It involves restructuring our lives to obtain maximum freedom and maximum contentment. It involves taking command of the activities of our day to day living and proceeding only when we have weighed our objectives against the level of love and freedom they will provide. I feel the shift towards more natural living is mainly driven by the economic collapse and people’s need to “off load” things that may not be so important in the wake of financial disaster. Still others seek to eliminate unnecessary energies in their lives so that they may travel , retire early, or explore artistic and spiritual endeavors.

If you are happy, content, and dare I say, blissful, in the details of your life, then by all means, the LOL may not be for you. However, if you have an open mind and feel that you may need to do some spring cleaning with regards to the complexities of your life then this may be worth a look. I promise you that more freedom and time will result with a little effort in the beginning. You will be amazed at what simplifying everything in your life will do for your energy levels and mental clarity. Besides, de-cluttering is so much fun.

I will create blogs in small, simple segments to facilitate your journey to simplicity. Little by little we will drop the objects and ideas that are no longer useful. So if you’re ready, let’s start with the most important and oftentimes the most cluttered aspect of your life, your home.

There are entire books written on home efficiency and organization. That’s fine, read them if you would like. Create checklists, blueprints, battle plans...whatever. That’s just more stuff to chuck.

I have a better idea. Just go through your home, maybe one room a week, or one cupboard/closet a week and start chuckin’ out crap you don’t need. Sell it, donate it, trash it. Create three piles. Make one a Craigslist Pile, one a Goodwill Pile and one a Good Riddance Pile. Then, release your clutter out of your home and into the world. Remember, items of sentimental value that you may look upon once a year, are still taking up unnecessary space and ultimately constricting your energy. Why not photograph the item(s) and download it into your “Memories” file on your computer desktop? This works well with old trophies, medals and paper photos. Your mantra should be, “when in doubt, chuck it out.” There are plenty of people out there that still love clutter. That is not you anymore. You are becoming free, one step at a time and de-cluttering your home is a viable first step to achieving that freedom. Be ruthless. Don’t rationalize. Just expunge the junk and feel the new lightness in your life.

See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. Great post about a great concept! Very true--simplicity sure makes life more...simple! We're trying to simplify by selling our rather extravagant house and moving into a more simple one. Hasn't sold yet, but hopefully soon. I like your idea of photographing some of the sentimental "stuff" rather than allowing it to take up space.


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